Credit: James Hardisty
Credit: Brian SlaterOpera North Education aims to bring the richness and excitement of opera in all its forms to as many people as possible across the North of England and beyond.
Our work with young people shows a clear pathway of progression from Early Years, through family workshops, out of school activities for young people, exceptional vocal ensembles, and a dedicated programme of training for new and emerging artists. We regularly commission small-scale operatic works for family audiences to extend our artistic reach through regional touring and enable people of all ages and backgrounds to experience high-quality performance.
Our work in schools covers the whole of the North. We offer a series of tailor made workshops and teacher training activity to support schools to attend Opera North’s main stage activity and bring opera into the classroom, thus ensuring a learning legacy across the region. This is professionally led by artists and supported by a range of online resources.
We have a commitment to working in areas of low arts engagement and with communities with whom we can bring about significant positive social and educational change. We are proud to deliver one of the six national In Harmony Projects, which aim to bring about such change through the power of music. In Harmony Opera North, has already had a resounding impact upon the participants and their community.
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