ENO Opera Squad March 2013
Credit: Alex Brenner
ENO Opera Squad March 2013
Credit: Alex BrennerENO Baylis is ENO’s Learning and Participation Team. Established in 1985, ENO Baylis is named after Lilian Baylis, the pioneering theatre manager whose vision of making opera accessible to all led to the founding of ENO.
Our aim is both to introduce new audiences to opera and to deepen and enrich the experience of current audiences in an adventurous, creative and engaging manner.
As part of the Artistic Team, ENO Baylis produces innovative programming in parallel to our work on stage, giving a broad range of people access to ENO’s unique work and resources. This includes live events, workshops, new commissions, talks and debates, as well as training for students and young professionals. Our pioneering interactive work enables both new and regular audiences to access and engage with the work of ENO through new and emerging media platforms.
We value the enjoyment, wonder and power of music, particularly opera and the transformative effect it can have on people’s lives.
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