Credit: Jonathan LockleyOxford Contemporary Music (OCM) is a unique producer that works to develop and present the highest quality and most innovative new music and sound-based live events. We bring music, artists and audiences together in ways that encourage and create memorable and meaningful experiences for all.
As part of this we run an education and outreach programme designed to harness the talent of the musicians OCM brings to Oxford to give people the opportunity to hear and take part in workshops across the county.
We have numerous strands to this work ranging from working with young families by using music to support family learning, schools and attributing Arts Award accreditation to our workshops, colleges and supporting emerging musicians and we are beginning to explore adult community music groups and how we can support them.
To deliver these projects we have formed key partnerships with Oxford city and Oxford county council, local schools and colleges in Oxfordshire and well as youth services and arts organisations in the area.
Our programme continues to grow and develop each year and our Education and Outreach Officer is always keen to hear from musicians and potential partners who have innovative and creative project ideas that could support this programme.
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